At Project Returning Citizen, we are dedicated to achieving the nation’s best evidence-based outcomes in re-entry for formerly incarcerated citizens. Our mission empowers individuals to transform their lives through economic empowerment. Returning citizens can transform from tax consumers to taxpayers, gang leaders to servant leaders, and felons to community role models.

Project Returning Citizen is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals reentering society after incarceration. Our mission is to provide comprehensive support that empowers these individuals to rebuild their lives, contribute positively to their communities, and break the cycle of recidivism.


Our objectives focus on offering holistic support through job creation, entrepreneurial training, and financial assistance, ensuring that returning citizens have the tools they need to succeed.


Our key programs include:


  1. Project Worx: A program that creates business enterprises specifically designed to employ reentering citizens, offering stable jobs and opportunities for growth.

  2. Project Rise: A business incubator and accelerator that equips reentering citizens with the skills and resources needed to turn their business ideas into successful ventures.

  3. Project Launch: A program that provides startup capital to graduates of Project Rise, enabling them to bring their business plans to life and achieve economic independence.

Through these initiatives, Project Returning Citizen aims to build a supportive ecosystem that fosters personal and professional development, reduces recidivism, and promotes sustainable community growth.

Project Worx is a program by Project Returning Citizen, is dedicated to creating business enterprises designed specifically to employ reentering citizens. By providing meaningful job opportunities, Project Worx helps individuals reintegrate into society, empowering them to build stable lives and contribute positively to their communities.

Project Rise is a business incubator and accelerator dedicated to supporting reentering citizens. Through mentorship, training, and resources, we empower individuals to develop the skills needed to turn their business ideas into successful ventures, fostering entrepreneurship and sustainable growth within their communities.

Project Launch is a program that provides venture seed stage startup capital and governance to graduates of Project Rise. By offering financial support and ongoing resources, Project Launch empowers entrepreneurs to turn their business plans into reality, driving economic growth and fostering long-term success in their communities.


The mission of Project Returning Citizen is to empower individuals reentering society after incarceration by providing evidence-based support, resources, and opportunities to rebuild their lives, break the cycle of recidivism, and become positive contributors to their communities. Through comprehensive, research-driven programs focused on employment, entrepreneurship, and financial assistance, we strive to create pathways to success, foster personal growth, and drive lasting change in the lives of those we serve.

Are you ready to take action?

Join us so that together we can reduce recidivism, bring hope to families, rebuild communities, and give a second chance to those willing to embrace transformation, responsibility, and love.

30 Old Kings Hwy S

Suite 1007

Darien, CT 06820


30 Old Kings Hwy S

Suite 1007

Darien, CT 06820


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